Justin Kiggins

Product. Data. Science.

Rotation decisions for my first year of graduate school

01 July 2009

So, I’m a just a few months away from orientation, Boot Camp, and the beginning of my first semester of classes in the Neuroscience Graduate Program at UC San Diego. One of the big decisions that I’ve had to start thinking seriously about is the first-year research rotations. UCSD’s Neuro program requires three laboratory rotations, intended to offer “hands-on” laboratory experience and find a laboratory for dissertation research. Though we’re only allowed to sign up for the first one prior to Boot Camp, choosing that first one has required thinking strategically about all three.

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Blogging for and by refugees in Egypt

15 January 2009

Since I’ve been living in Cairo, I’ve been interested in how organizations here use technology. I’ve been particularly interested in refugee service providers: what tools are they using? how are they using them? are they effective?

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