Justin Kiggins / Neurosciences Doctoral Candidate at UC San Diego
Neurodata Without Borders Hackathon / Nov 2014
Time | ID | Stimulus | Response | r_Time | Error
12:13:05.265 | 1 | puppy | Right | 2.115 | False
12:13:14.655 | 2 | kitty | Right | 2.004 | True
12:13:87.098 | 3 | puppy | Left | 2.298 | True
This is a typical data format when only doing a simple behavior
Time | ID | Sample | Target | Response | r_Time | Error
-------------|----|------- |--------|----------|--------|------
12:13:05.265 | 1 | puppy | puppy | Right | 2.115 | False
12:13:14.655 | 2 | kitty | puppy | Right | 2.004 | True
12:13:87.098 | 3 | puppy | kitty | Left | 2.298 | False
However, if we are doing neurophysiology, we need to know timing information
Time | ID | Sample | s_Time | s_Dur | Target | t_Time | t_Dur | Response | r_Time | Error
-------------|----|------- |--------|-------|--------|--------|-------|----------|--------|------
12:13:05.265 | 1 | puppy | 0.0 | 0.5 | puppy | 1.5 | 0.5 | Right | 2.115 | False
12:13:14.655 | 2 | kitty | 0.0 | 0.5 | puppy | 1.0 | 0.5 | Right | 2.004 | True
12:13:87.098 | 3 | puppy | 0.0 | 0.5 | kitty | 1.2 | 0.5 | Left | 2.298 | False
Time | ID | Class | Value | Duration
12:13:05.265 | 1 | sample | puppy | 0.5
12:13:06.765 | 2 | target | puppy | 0.5
12:13:07.380 | 3 | resp | left | --
12:13:07.387 | 4 | conseq | reward | 1.0
12:13:14.655 | 5 | sample | kitty | 0.5
12:13:15.655 | 6 | target | puppy | 0.5
12:13:16.659 | 7 | resp | left | --
12:13:16.668 | 8 | conseq | punish | 5.0
ID | Sample_id | Target_id | Resp_id | Conseq_id | Task
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | match
2 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | match
Time | ID | Class | Value | Duration | Sample_id
12:13:05.265 | 1 | sample | puppy | 0.5 | --
12:13:06.765 | 2 | target | puppy | 0.5 | 1
12:13:07.380 | 3 | resp | left | -- | --
12:13:07.387 | 4 | conseq | reward | 1.0 | --
12:13:14.655 | 5 | sample | kitty | 0.5 | --
12:13:15.655 | 6 | target | puppy | 0.5 | 5
12:13:16.659 | 7 | resp | left | -- | --
12:13:16.668 | 8 | conseq | punish | 5.0 | --
My point here is not to argue for a standard for representing behavior data
Rather, that for even a relatively simple & common behavioral design, relationships between events are important
datatypeJustin Kiggins
Doctoral Candidate in Neurosciences, UC San Diego
Gentner Lab